Do you know how to store your boat properly?
During the off-season, many people rely on boats storages to securely house their vessels until the warmer weather returns.
When you own a boat, you must decide its most appropriate place of storage. The options available today for boat storages include “indoor” and “outdoor” boat storage options.
This complete guide on boating storage can help you determine which type of boat storage option works best for you.
We’ll show you how to compare indoor boat storage, dryboat storage, outdoor boat storage and in-water slip options, marina use and rack storage.
Below is some information on the diverse types of boat storage facilities and how they work. The information will help you choose the best and most appropriate boat storage option for your boat.
If you happen to be one of the 12 million boat owners in the country, you might have some questions about where you should store your boat.
Before you start looking for a place to store your boat, you should figure out if you’re going to need quick access or not. That decision (along with your budget) will determine the best place for storing your boat
Even though many boat storage spaces are sold out right now, the right call can locate a good space nearby. Call now to get an estimate and reserve your space — all within 5 minutes.
Keep reading for helpful tips and advice from our experts to help you get the most out of the decision for your boat storage solution.
Having a great place to store your boat gives added peace of mind when out on the water
How to Store Your Boat: The Basics
If you’re looking to store your boat, it’s important to understand what kind of storage is available and how each one stacks up against the others.
There are many different types of boat storage solutions, including indoor boat storage, dry boat storage, outdoor boat storage, in-water slip options and marina use.
Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider all of them before making a final decision.
Indoor Boat Storage
If you want to keep your boat safe inside, an indoor boat facility is probably the way to go. Indoor boat storage is also known as self-storage or garage boat storage. For instance, a boat can be stored in a warehouse or even your own garage.
The indoor options for boat storage can keep your boat well-protected from all adverse weather conditions for a long time.
This offers several benefits because it keeps your boat protected from the elements and other hazards such as moisture and debris.

Boat Storage at a Specialized Warehouse
The boat warehouses may store many boats at a given time. These are the specialized warehouses where the boats are transported, stacked, and lifted back to be removed with the help of forklifts.
Warehouses are fully covered, which ensures the safety of a boat from any adverse weather conditions (including rain and sun rays).
Boat storage warehouses keep boats stored safely inside and out of the weather. If you choose a specialized warehouse, they may also offer the service of lifting and retrieving the boat from the water to the warehouse (and vice versa).
All you need is to place a call to the service provider, and they will pick up the boat and place it at the warehouse.
When you store your boat at the specialized warehouse, it is protected from UV (ultraviolet) and rain damage. The warehouses have all the security measures to ensure that no theft occurs.
Different kinds of stacks are available for storing boats of all sizes. When you compare it to storing the boat in the marina, the warehouses are more affordable.
The biggest downside to indoor boat storage is that it requires a lot of space. You need at least 400 square feet per boat, but if you have multiple boats, you may need more than 1,000 square feet.
This means that you’ll need a large area with high ceilings, sturdy walls and good insulation.
However, do remember that when the boat is stored in the warehouse, it is not available always whenever you want. Also, the facilities may have a schedule (and timings) for you to follow when you want to get your boat back.
You need to check with the warehouse to know whether it has the facility available for storing the size of the boat you have.
Even though your boat isn’t as easily accessible as it would be at a self-storage facility, if you call ahead they’re often able to have your boat available for pickup when you arrive.
Boat Storage at Your Garage
Storing your boat in your home garage can be a highly cost-effective and convenient option. A garage that is attached to a home will also absorb heat from the house.
Therefore, the boat will not be damaged due to the sub-zero weather and temperature, even after prolonged storage.
There can be many benefits to storing a boat in your garage. It is always available to you as it is on your property. You do not have to pay any charges for storing the boat and may maintain itself as well from time to time easily.
Your garage will offer protection to your boat from all kinds of weather conditions (including ultraviolet rays, wind, and weather) that a specialized boat warehouse may offer.
If your garage space is ample and is not limited to the existing vehicles, you may try storing your boat in it. A minor modification and reconstruction can also ensure that enough space is available in your garage to store your boat.
Do ensure that you use the right chemicals for protecting your boat and its parts/materials from pests and rodents.
Indoor Considerations
If you are looking forward to storing your boat in an indoor facility like a warehouse or garage, ensure that the boat is well prepaid for the winter. Use an anti-freeze to flush the boat systems.
You may also be required to charge your boat’s battery and test it (by using a trickle charger). You can also tarp the boat if you are storing it for the winter so that it is safe from pests and dust.
With respect to indoor boat storage, cost and availability are the two most important downsides. Some boaters don’t like planning ahead before using their boats.
You might be able to get your boat out of storage without calling ahead if you’re willing to wait until the next day, but you may need to call ahead to ensure that someone can fork-lift your vessel from its rack.
Some facilities don’t allow boaters to work on their boats at the facility and you might need to hire a professional to perform even the simplest maintenance tasks… such as oil changes.
Even though covered facilities keep boats safe from the elements, they don’t always prevent them from experiencing freezing temperatures. You’ll still need to winterize your boat prior to storing it.
Otherwise, storing a boat indoors is the ideal solution. The protection from weathering can greatly extend a boat’s lifespan.
The best thing about your boat is that it’s completely protected from outside weather conditions like UV rays, winds and rain.
Outdoor Boat Storage
There are multiple options available when you want to store your boat outdoors and not inside a covered facility.
Outdoor boat storage is similar to indoor boat storage, except that it of course takes place outside. Outdoor boat storage is usually done in a covered structure like a shed or a gazebo. It provides protection from the sun, rain and snow, and it allows you to access your boat without having to open the door.
One of the most common choices for boaters across the US is to keep their boats outside. Boat owners usually choose this option if they don’t intend to use their boat for a long period of time and because it’s the cheapest.
This type of boat facility is great for people who live in areas where there is bad weather. However, it does require a lot of maintenance.
For example, you’ll need to clean off the roof regularly to prevent mildew growth and to protect your boat from the elements.
Keep reading to find out the different types of outdoor boat storage along with advantages and disadvantages.
Parking on Your Own Property
A boat can be stored in a trailer that lies on any of the sides of your home or the driveway. It will be a highly affordable option that is also convenient for you.
However, do not forget to follow all the procedures for safeguarding the boat if it is being stored for the winter.
Some homeowners choose to store their boats on trailers if they have space on their properties and their HOA allows. One thing to keep in mind is that some of the homeowners’ associations do not permit parking the boats in the driveways. Therefore, you will have to check the prevailing rules in your community.
This option makes it easy for you to work on your boat from wherever you happen to be at the moment. You don’t need to go anywhere to get it.
If you don’t have a lot of land or a big house, you’ll probably need more space for boat.
The nice thing to parking on your own property is that you don’t have to pay storage fee and getting to your boat is quick and easy.
Also, remember that a boat that is stored outside may be vulnerable to thieves and pests. If you have an option, you can choose to store the boat in the garage instead.
Storing Your Boat Outdoor at a Storage Center
If you live in an area where the winter weather isn’t too severe, you might consider using an outdoor storage facility. Outdoor storage units are typically cheaper than indoor ones, and they often provide better security against theft.
You can choose a covered and specialized boat storage space for storing your boat for the short-term or long-term. While these facilities may not be fully and entirely covered, they may offer good protection to the boat and save them from rain and other weather conditions to a certain extent.
You should also be aware that storing boats outdoors requires wrapping them in shrink wrap or a waterproof tarp, parking them underneath a boat storage canopy, and/or otherwise securing them during the winter to prevent damage from water intrusion and weathering.
Run the antifreeze throughout the systems for flushing them and also use a fuel stabilizer. Check the batteries by using a trickle charger.
Covered Outdoor Boat Storage
A partially-covered boat facility may protect the boat from the majority of weather conditions and damage. The facilities also have CCTVs and surveillance cameras, keypad entry, and other features to ensure the prevention of theft.
Also, when you compare it to fully indoor boat storage warehouses, it can be a more affordable option.
These facilities typically have outdoor parking areas where boats of different sizes can be stored. The best thing is that you get at least some coverage for the boat at a low cost.
The benefits are that these facilities can be very cost effective and you can leave it there when you’re not using it. The drawback is that you won’t be able to access your boat easily. To do so, you’ll need to drive to the facility and then walk around to find your boat.
Covered storage lots are still accessible but provide better protection against the weather than uncovered storage lots.
These facilities can usually handle boats of any size and are also a good option for people who don’t have enough room on their property.
These types of storage are still considered outdoor because they are not fully enclosed, but they provide some protection from the weather.
You’ll also need to make sure that the facility has adequate parking spaces for your boat. Some facilities charge extra for additional parking spaces.
Uncovered Outdoor Boat Storage
Some facilities for boat storage can be fully uncovered. Such storage places can be found in areas where the weather remains mild throughout the year.
The fully uncovered storage space for the boats is the least expensive option.
For boats stored outside, there are several benefits including low cost and easy accessibility — especially for boats that have their own trailers. You’ll want the best security, so make sure the facility is fenced off, locked up, and has some sort of security system or surveillance equipment.
Many facilities will have these security measures to ensure that your boat is protected during its parking. Because of this, commercial facilities are often an attractive option for people living in the metropolitan areas.
In addition to being a great place to store your boat, there are other benefits to using a commercial storage facility. For example, you can rent space by the month, year, or even seasonally.
This means that you don’t need to worry about having enough time to get your boat back into the water when the weather turns cold or rainy. You also might not have to worry about paying for insurance if the facility takes care of that for you.
There may be some disadvantages to the uncovered outdoor storage spaces for boat storage. The boat is exposed to both ultraviolet rays and weather here. The ultraviolet rays of the sun can damage the boat’s surface even if it is fully covered with a tarp.
Rodents and pests can also cause damage to the boat. Therefore, if money is not a problem, you should choose a more covered facility for storing your boat.
Storage Facilities That Offer Both Options
There are some companies that provide both options. These companies will allow you to park your boat on your own property while offering you the convenience of being able to access your boat from anywhere.
They’ll also help you move your boat between locations. This is especially useful if you plan to travel frequently.
You can even rent out your boat storage unit to other customers. This way, you can earn money while keeping your boat safe.
In Water Slip Options
A slip is a dock that is built specifically for boats. They come in various sizes and shapes, depending on the size of your boat.
A slip typically includes a ramp that leads into the water and a parking spot for your boat. Slips are often used by commercial marinas, but they are also popular among recreational boaters.
Slips are great for protecting your boat from damage caused by wind and waves. They also provide easy access to the water, which makes cleaning easier. If you plan on using your boat frequently, then slips are a convenient option.
If you store your boat in the water year round, it might be easier to access than if you pull it out of the water during the winter months.
However, there are some risks involved. What would happen if the marina lost electricity and the agitator stopped working? Your boat hull could freeze in place. Ice damage can result from this situation and is expensive to repair. Most boat owners choose dry boat storage during the winter months.
Boat owners who use slip holders for their boats may also choose to keep them stored during the winter months.
And don’t forget that storing your boat at a marina might bring some added perks. Many have a club house or swimming pool, wireless internet service, a station to clean fish, dock boxes and other amenities that can make boating more fun and relaxing.
Marina Slip Boat Storage
A marina is a facility that is designed to accommodate boats. Many marinas offer services like fuel, repairs, storage and even laundry facilities. Some marinas will allow you to park your boat overnight while you sleep in another part of the building.
Marina Slip boat storage can be the most comfortable and convenient option for storing a boat. If the temperature in your area does not fall below freezing, you should prefer this option. However, you will be required to purchase a marina slip (similar to the parking slips) for storing your boat.
Some marinas offer boat rentals as well. You can rent a slip for a day, week or month. The rental fee usually covers the cost of the slip, including utilities.
Many marinas also offer boat repair services. If something goes wrong with your boat, you can bring it to the marina and they’ll fix it right away.
The best thing about marinas is that they ‘re located near many different types of activities. You can go fishing, sailing, kayaking, diving, surfing, etc., all within walking distance of your marina.
You should always check with your local marina to see if they offer these services. In addition, make sure that their location is close to your home or work.

Boat Lift Storage
The boat-lift storage option is good when you must store your boat for a brief period. There are diverse types of boat lifts available, including suspending, floating, and bottom-standing boat lifts.
With this storage option, your boat is always ready for you just like a marina slip. However, remember that boats may be vulnerable to aquatic pests and flooding.

How Much Does Boat Storage Cost?
Boat storage prices vary depending on the size of your boat, how much you want to spend, and whether you want to store it indoors or outdoors.
In general, boat storage costs about $100 per month. But it can be a wide range, you can expect to pay as little as $50 per month and as much as $200 per month.
I knew one family where several family members each contributed towards a group boat — and then they split the storage cost of having the boat on a slip at the lake. They also had the boat upholstered in that special vinyl that doesn’t get hot in the sun, it was very impressive and made it easier to store outside.
In addition to monthly fees, you’ll also need to consider the cost of moving your boat. This could be expensive depending on the distance you need to transport it.
If you decide to store your boat outdoors, you’ll need to factor in the cost of maintaining it. You’ll need to clean the roof regularly to keep it free of mold and moss.
You’ll also have to take care of any damage caused by rain and snow. In addition, you’ll need to ensure that your boat is well protected against theft.
What Type of Boat Storage Facilities are Best?
There are pros and cons to every type of boat storage facilities. Depending on your needs, you might be able to find a solution that works best for you.
Here are some things to think about when choosing between indoor boat storage, outdoor boat storages and slips:
• Size: How big is your boat? Do you have multiple boats? Will you be moving your boat around often? These factors can help determine the amount of space you need.
• Location: Where do you plan on storing your boat? Are you near a lake, river or ocean? What’s the climate like in your area? All of this information can help you decide what kind of boat storage is right for you.
• Maintenance: Does your boat need regular maintenance? If so, how much time will you spend maintaining it? The answers to these questions can help you figure out whether you need an indoor boat storage or an outdoor boat storage.
• Cost: How much money are you willing to spend on boat storage? There are many different options available, including free boat storage. Make sure that you consider all of your options before making a decision.
• Accessibility: How accessible is your boat? Can you easily get to your boat? This factor can affect the type of boat storage that you choose.
Top Boat Storage Facilities in Omaha for 2023
The best boat storage rates are often kept secret. Call now to get an estimate within 5 minutes. To serve you quicker, call wait time is near zero.
Omaha Marine Center
9610 L Street
Omaha, NE 68127
(402) 339-9600
Sealand Marine
10702 S 144th St
Omaha, NE 68138
(402) 334-8232
Boat Camp Storage
8035 Irvington Rd
Omaha, NE 68122
(402) 571-1915
Preparing Your Boat for Storage
Before you begin storing your boat, you’ll need to prepare it for safekeeping.
Here are some tips to follow:
• Remove any personal items from your boat. This includes anything that may fall off or break during transit.
• Clean your boat thoroughly. Use soap and water to remove dirt and grime. Then use a pressure washer to wash down the exterior of your boat.
• Check your boat for leaks. Look for signs of moisture inside and outside of your boat. Repair any leaks immediately.
• Secure your boat. Tie ropes or chains to secure your boat to something solid.
• Store your boat properly. Keep it away from heat sources such as radiators and hot pipes. Also, avoid storing it in direct sunlight.
For extended storage periods, consider removing batteries and placing them on trickle chargers
In Addition to Preparing for Storing; Out of Season You Should Winterize Your Boat
Winterizing your boat involves preparing it for the cold weather months ahead. Here are some things to remember when winterizing your boat…
To keep your boat safe from the weather, you should cover it in plastic sheeting. You can purchase a roll of plastic at most home improvement stores. Be careful not to puncture the plastic with sharp objects.
When covering your boat, make sure that there are no holes or tears in the plastic. Otherwise, rainwater could enter your boat through these openings.
Once you’ve covered your boat, you can protect it from the elements by adding a tarpaulin. Tarpaulins come in various sizes and shapes. Some people prefer to wrap their boat completely in a tarpaulin while others only cover certain parts of their boat.
If you’re planning on storing your boat outdoors, you’ll also want to add a roof over your boat. A wooden roof is ideal because it won’t rot. However, if you don’t have access to wood, you can always buy a metal roof.
You can also install awnings to provide shade for your boat. They’re easy to install and they can prevent damage to your boat.
When storing your boat indoors, make sure that you don’t leave it unattended. It’s important to monitor your boat while it’s stored indoors.
Inspect your boat frequently to check for damage. If you notice any problems, contact your local boat repair shop.
In conclusion, storing your boat is an essential part of boating. Whether you plan on keeping your boat year-round or just for a few weeks, it’s important to take precautions so that you can enjoy your boat safely.
The different boat storage facilities — including indoor and outdoor storage areas — work in diverse ways. While some of these options are entirely free, others may require an added expense.
The type of boat storage option you choose should depend on your location, weather conditions, boat size/type, budget, and other aspects.
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the cost of winter boat storage?
Common boat storage sizes vary from one part of the country to another and the storage choice you make can depend on the type of boat you’re wanting to store.
For the actual cost to store boat for winter, outdoor storage may range from $20 to $50 per foot for the winter season, while indoor storage can range from $50 to $150 per foot or more.
If you opt for heated indoor storage, it’s typically the most expensive option and can cost $200 per foot or more.
How much does boat storage cost?
Most dry stack facilities charge the same storage fees regardless of whether they’re open during the summer or winter. If you store your boat on shore throughout the entire year, then these costs may be helpful.
Boat storage costs vary depending on where you store your boat in the water (e.g., at a marina versus an inland lake).
How do I wrap my boat for winter storage?
To keep your boat safe from the weather, you should cover it in plastic sheeting. You can use tarpaulins, blankets or other materials for covering your boat.
Make sure that you don’t place anything over the windows because then you won’t be able see inside.
What is the difference between boat storage and boat slip rental?
For boat slip rental, a mooring is a place where you tie up your boat when you aren’t using it. Usually including a mooring line (a rope) and a dock (a structure for tying up).
You pay a monthly fee for the privilege of keeping your boat tied up at its mooring. Boat storage can even be similar in some ways to renting a boat slip, but without the dock. Basically, you tie up your boat to a piling or concrete block.
Can I store my boat indoors?
Yes, most boat owners prefer to store their boats indoors. They feel more comfortable knowing that their boat is safe and secure. Some people also enjoy having access to their boat whenever they want.
Do I need to remove my boat from its trailer if I’m going to store it?
No, you don’t need to take your boat off its trailer when you store it. In fact, you shouldn’t even have any trailers attached to your boat.
How long can I store my boat?
The length of time that you can store your boat depends on several factors, such as the size of your boat, the weather conditions where you live and the type of boat storage facility that you select.
Most boat storage facilities offer seasonal rates that allow you to store your boat for a certain amount of time each year. For example, some facilities will let you store your boat for three months out of the year.
How do I know how much space I’ll need?
You can estimate how much space you’ll need by measuring the length and width of your boat. Then multiply those measurements by two to determine how much area you’ll need.
Can I work on my boat while it’s in storage?
Usually that is discouraged by storage places. However, if your boat is stored on water, you usually have more flexibility when it comes to getting your boat prepped for the water.
How do I find indoor boat storage near me?
When answering that question about a storage for boat near me, there are many options available.
To find indoor boat storage near you, follow these steps:
- Online search: Use search engines like Google or Bing to search for “indoor boat storage near me” or “indoor boat storage in [your city/town]” or even “boats storages.” This will provide you with a list of nearby facilities offering indoor boat storage.
- Online directories: Check online directories or review websites like Yelp, Yellow Pages, or, which list storage facilities in your area. You can filter results based on the services you need, such as indoor boat storage.
- Local marinas and boat dealerships: Contact local marinas or boat dealerships, as they often have information about indoor storage facilities nearby or might even offer storage services themselves.
- Friends, family, and colleagues: Ask your friends, family, or colleagues who own boats if they can recommend any indoor storage facilities in your area.
- Social media: Use social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, to ask for recommendations from your network or search for storage facility pages.
Once you have a list of potential indoor boat storage facilities, call or visit them to get more information about their services, pricing, and availability.
It’s a good idea to compare the best boats storages facilities to ensure you’re choosing the best option for your needs and budget.
Many boat storage facilities are sold out right now, so the right call can still locate a good space nearby. Call now to get an estimate and reserve your space.